Perle Construction is a residential and commercial building contractor that is dedicated to building the highest quality houses, commercial/business spaces, or storefronts for our clients.

Perle Construction is a family owned and operated business in New Orleans, Louisiana with a skilled team of experienced individuals who are committed to fulfilling the needs of our clients.


Megan graduated in Construction Management at Louisiana State University. She received her Masters Degree in Construction Management from NYU. She worked as a project manager on many large developments in New York & New Orleans prior to founding Perle Construction. The Standard Hotel and Trifecta Lofts in New York and Jackson Barracks in St. Bernard Parish are just a few of her notable projects.


David graduated in Civil/Structural Engineering. His graduate degree in engineering mainly focused on the latest techniques in green building design and structural engineering. He has worked for four years on a number of projects as a structural engineering before moving into Real Estate


Greg graduated from Loyola Law School in the 70s and has been building residential and commercial properties ever since. He has built a large number of properties all over the south and across New Orleans, Jefferson Parish, & St. Tammany.

Whether it is a renovation project or a new build, we strive to make a beautiful and comfortable space. New Orleans is truly a unique place with a broad variety of architecture and style, and we are happy to be a part of it. We love new and interesting projects, as well as traditional New Orleans designs we all know and love. Let us be a part of your next project.

Perle Construction is insured and licensed for residential and commercial construction projects in the State of Louisiana. Perle is a certified SLDBE contractor with the city of New Orleans, and certified for federally funded projects through the RTA.